We specialise in hygiene services and sales of Chemicals, PPE and Agricultural Hygiene Products
Hygiene Services
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GET IN TOUCH – Our Experts
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01673 862008
Agrex Limited, Head Office – Red Barn offices,
Langworth Road, Scothern, Lincoln. LN2 2UP
Littering out

Agrex Limited provide litter removal to any potential customer.
We use bobcat machines to prepare and remove litter from wall sides and the corners.
All the drivers are fully qualified under licence. We then train them to official safe operating procedures, and all are signed off when competent.
Telehandlers continue the removal process of the litter, which is loaded into the bucket inside the poultry house then transported and loaded onto lorries and taken away for disposal.
To hire this service, please contact

With the high risk of disease and the need to protect your farming base Agrex Limited offers a full cleaning schedule using industrial pressure washers.
All the machines are closely inspected and kept in good working order with the operatives being trained under close control to ensure a safe operating procedure.
All stages are audit processed along with our customer before the final disinfectant stage is applied. Cleaning Drinker cups and lines with high pressure water to eliminate debris and bacteria build up. Each cup is individually cleaned then checked for the desired high standard required.
Individual cleaning again with high pressure water to eliminate dust feed debris and bacteria build up.
The feed pans and lines are cleaned individually cleaned then checked for the desired high standard required.
Click here to purchase chemicals from our Online Trade Counter
Click here to purchase washing equipment from our Online Trade Counter.
Orchard Spraying

Our machines are very versatile and can access all poultry units as both machines are based on a low-level base structure making for easy access to all areas of the units with their excellent manoeuvre and steering capability.
The machine has taken the manual application from the operative thus reducing the health and safety risk to them. The Storm 1000 is tractor operated for the operation.
For this we kit out the operative with a full chemical protection suit for maximum protection.
The Storm operates by a fan controlled and a propelled spray boom this gives an all-round coverage of the working area with an under the body mounted floor spraying unit.
Click here to purchase chemicals from our Online Trade Counter

Agrex Limited also offer bulk feed bins fumigation used in conjunction with Kilco EVOMIST Solution.
This product has been trialled and tested as a safe product for this task. It does not harm the food in any way although we would prefer to have the bin completely empty if possible.
During the process, small amounts of food such as in the cone, would not be a problem.
Bulk bin fumigation is a further process using Kilco EVOMIST Solution to achieve best results. No bin would need to be empty, or at the worst 75-80% empty as the product is safe.
Click here to purchase chemicals from our online Trade Counter.
To hire this service, please contact
Floor Burning

Agrex Limited can offer their customers a floor burning process for disease control.
It is operated using a compact tractor and attached burning unit. This process is usually carried out twice a year or as and when you require it.
This process is most effective against Coccidiosis and killing off the oocyst as our burning temperature is 800 degrees Celsius with the tractor running at 5 mph.
The machine also contains a handheld lance for accessing difficult areas such as wall sides, corners and around the posts and the control rooms. This guarantees that no area is left untouched.
To hire this service, please contact
Spreading of Bedding

We recognise that the poultry industry is ever-changing, impacting the requirement of materials used for bedding, Agrex remain adaptable to suit these changing requirements.
The products currently in use on our customer’s farms are straw, wood chip and shavings. We understand that these products all require a different spreading requirement such as box spreading or straw hay bob spinners and work to fulfil these needs and give the desired layout of the bedding on completion.
Agrex use mini compact tractors that are washed and disinfected before and after each and everyday tasks are completed, maintaining and supporting customer farms bio security policy. All our staff are trained and qualified to drive and operate the machinery, this assurance is supported by a risk assessment and safe operating procedure for each task followed by annual yearly competence.
Health and safety during the process
As part of the training, completion and safe operation of each task, the operative and the operation will be randomly spot audited. The operatives will all be issued their own personal protective equipment, replaced as and when required.
Our vehicles and equipment are serviced, well maintained and replaced according to a replacement timetable to maintain the highest performance required, enabling us to give the quality finish required for your farms.
To purchase bedding, please contact
Water Tank Hire

Agrex offer a fleet of water tankers which are available to hire, each tanker holding approximately 10,000 & 26,000 litres. These can be supplied as requested to your farming base should a water shortage or water failure occur.
During extreme temperatures and summer conditions, your flock may require above average water consumption, and we understand that this puts extreme pressure and stress on your farm supply.
We believe that it is important for our bowsers to ensure peace of mind during these circumstances and help with the quantity required for your flocks drinking requirement.
To hire a water tanker, please contact
To support your farm during turnaround we offer a dedicated, highly trained team to set up your poultry farm and supply mini compact tractors with equipment to support the task. All vehicles are cleaned before and after each daily task, serviced and maintained on a regular basis and replaced according to a scheduled timetable.
Our staff members are all trained to use a safe operating procedure for all these tasks and are backed up by risk assessments for each one. We also maintain a yearly annual competence for each member of staff.
The first stage of setting up your poultry house onto the fresh bedding will be to use a mini compact tractor and feed hopper trailer. Your chick feed will be placed onto paper that is supplied from the feed hopper trailer which will be filled each time from your main feed bin.
The feed will then be run out in lines as requested throughout the poultry shed onto the paper, so the chicks can feed easily.
The setting up process consists of us placing enrichment bales or top up bales to your requirements located in the poultry house. We will check equipment such as the feeder and drinker winding winches with the tubes and pipes to each line to ensure that they are well maintained and in a good serviceable condition before lowering them to the desired level.
Perches and feed hopper bins are placed in situ and a foot path for chick trolleys to run along will be prepared on the floor space as you request. Vents and fans can be closed as requested along with doors finally being closed on completion of each poultry house.
During this process, and on the completion of the farm, Agrex strive to maintain a clean and tidy site at all times.
Labour Support to Customer Farms

To support everyday pressure and challenges to customer farms, Agrex can offer labour daily to give the customer peace of mind and improve time scale with daily tasks.
The team supplied will be trained to a high standard from a safe operating procedure and covered by a risk assessment; each individual will also have annual competence assessments.
Suggested tasks for labour support to customer farms:
- Heat stress related bird losses collection for disposal
- Flood conditions from heavy rain impact on drainage
- Removal of flooded litter from poultry houses due to drinker line failure
- Removal of misplaced feed
- At a special request we can offer a trained and calculated cull of poultry
- Chick placement
- Roadway wash for customer audits
- Bulk bin exterior wash
- Cleaning of external guttering
- Floor expansion joint tarring
- Descale drinker cups
- Replace flooded areas after removal with fresh bedding
- Grass cutting
- Bulk bin fogging
- Bedding up
For all tasks, the appropriate and highest standard equipment will be supplied.
To hire this service, please contact
Floor Tarring

Customers will note that expansion joints can become deep seated over a period of time, this has a detrimental effect and impact to the hygiene standards of these areas and has the potential to contribute to a disease build up.
Agrex can offer a solution to this problem, with hot bitumen tar to seal these unwanted areas. A regular maintenance schedule and audits provided will then identify when further attention is required and Agrex will attend to this accordingly.
Floor tar can also be offered when time is short, and a quick safe solution is required for a floor repair or floor egress until time then permits for a more suitable solution. This facility also works well for the maintenance of the farmyard and concrete surrounds as it helps promote unwanted environmental issues in these areas.
We currently supply a dedicated and highly trained team as well as equipment for this task, operating to a safe operating procedure and risk assessment for this task. The equipment we currently use large tar pots, trailer mounted and powered by propane gas to operate the burning units. We supply tar blocks to meet the requirement on your customer farms.
To hire this service, please contact
Bedding Up

Agrex offer the facility to support the initial bedding delivery with a top up bale or enrichment bale, placed to your desired location in each poultry house.
The team will use a mini compact tractor with lifting tines to transport the pallet around the poultry house with individual bales being placed as requested.
If requested by the customer, we can supply top up and enrichment bales to your site.
To hire this service, please contact
Feed (chick) Paper

Feed paper can be supplied to all our customers if requested.
The paper used is placed on to the bedding of which the feed lays on and is of a dis-solvable material that after a few days will have completely dispersed.
Feed paper will be delivered direct to your farm and will come in a polythene sleeve to keep the roll clean and dry.
Chick Placement

The arrival of your day-old poultry can be a very challenging time for the farm staff, having duties such as making sure that the temperature is correct, and that water and feed are ready and available.
To support your current farm team, we can supply a caring committed group to tip and place your day-old poultry into the poultry houses from your instruction.
This gives your farm staff extra time to manage their duties and the bird welfare on its arrival to the farm.
To hire this service, please contact
Grounds Maintenance

Due to demands on the farm for your team concerning the poultry management daily, the farm’s tidiness can become a struggle and a worry should any potential customers visit the farm.
Agrex offer peace of mind with the upkeep of the farm grounds, offering to maintain hedgerows and grass cutting, along with maintenance of unwanted weeds and overgrowth.
Our staff are fully qualified and will always operate under a safe operating procedure and risk assessment. We will use mini compact tractors for the grass cutting, manually held hedge trimmers and for weed killing knap sack sprayers either from a mobile gator or carried manually by the operative.
All operatives will be qualified at PA1 in spray booms. On completion of the tasks, Agrex guarantee that the site will be left tidy on departure.
We also will manage the guttering on each poultry house by cleaning through the sides, this will help against heavy rainfall and to prevent blockages in your drainage system.
To hire this service, please contact

In the ever-challenging environment of disease control and strict bio security measures in the poultry industry, we can offer you the following products to ease concerns surrounding these issues.
Agrex provide a wide range of cleaning products and disinfectants which can be supplied and delivered direct to your farm, consisting of a first stage cleaning agent followed by a second stage sanitizer and third stage disinfectant. On completion of cleaning and the disinfectant programme, we also supply fumigation products for fogging.
In addition, Agrex can supply chemicals to provide effective litter beetle and water treatments for your farm.
This product saves a substantial length of time compared with a formalin and formaldehyde product which takes 12 hours to stand and a further 12 hours to ventilate in order to be safe to work in.
We also supply a formalin premixed fumigation product which can be used for fogging poultry houses or directly sprayed on to floors to work against extra challenges on your farm.
Click here to purchase chemicals from our Online Trade Counter

At Agrex, we buy and sell spent poultry litter from all types of poultry, meat and egg production, and our service provides all year-round commitment to fulfil our customer’s needs.
Our commitment in providing spent litter to power plants and agricultural use enables us to enter into contractual arrangements to take material over long periods of time. This also allows us to offer highly competitive prices for spent litter, giving the best price for your ever-increasing commodity.
To hire this service, please contact
Bedding Products

Agrex work to ensure that excellent quality bedding products for your poultry can be supplied and delivered directly to your farm.
Products we currently have available consist of enrichment and top up bales, these are delivered directly on a pallet that can be easily managed during transition and suitably stored on your farm until required.
For bedding orders, we request a five-day delivery notice, to ensure we can accommodate your requirements to the highest standard.
We can also supply labour to place in and around each poultry unit, the bales of your choice.
To hire this service, please contact
Spreading Equipment

Our company provides the highest quality spreading equipment which can be supplied and purchased on request. The large range of equipment we have available to you ensures we provide products which can correspond with straw, wood chip and shavings materials.
Box spreaders are mini tractor mounted making them best suited for wood chip materials. The boxes are adjustable to your required depths, making it suitable for all farms and the box is wheel mounted to allow a smooth flow across the floor space.
Spinners are again mini tractor mounted and are best suited to straw and shavings materials; the Spinners rotate and move the materials around the floor space giving an even finish.
To hire this service, please contact
GET IN TOUCH – Our Experts
are here to help
01673 862008
Agrex Limited, Head Office – Red Barn offices,
Langworth Road, Scothern, Lincoln. LN2 2UP